Strange creative sculpture
Category: Industry information
Date: 2017-08-25
Click: 13576
Author: 佚名
In every large city in the world, there are almost a few or many sculptures of a form used to portray a history or culture or other. These sculptures gathered the wisdom of many artists, some interesting, some magic, some weird ... ... strange, all-e

In every large city in the world, there are almost a few or many sculptures of a form used to portray a history or culture or other. These sculptures gathered the wisdom of many artists, some interesting, some magic, some weird ... ... strange, all-encompassing.

千奇百怪的创意雕塑 sculpt4575.jpg

千奇百怪的创意雕塑 sculpt5590.jpg

千奇百怪的创意雕塑 sculpt9580.jpg

千奇百怪的创意雕塑 sculpt17599.jpg

千奇百怪的创意雕塑 sculpt26575.jpg

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